Marie Louise Vivarez1

F, #11456, b. circa 1765
     Marie Louise Vivarez was born circa 1765 at Illinois.1,2 She married Pierre Carriere circa 1785.1

Child of Marie Louise Vivarez and Pierre Carriere


  1. [S2] SWLR - St. Landry Catholic Church, BORDELON, Marie Anne - of this parish (dec. Michel & Marie WABLE) m. 6 Dec. 1810 Joseph CARRIERE - of this parish (Pierre & Marie Louise VIVAREZ) Wits: Michel WAIBL, Clement HOLLIER. Fr. Louis BUHOT (Opel. Ch.: v.1-A, p.207).
  2. [S2] SWLR - St. Landry Catholic Church, CARRIERE, Michel (Joseph & Marie Anne BORDELON - natives of this parish) b. 3 Nov. 1813, bt. 6 Feb. 1814 Pats: Pierre CARRIERE & Marie Louise VIVARETTE - of Illinois; Mats: Michel BORDELON - of Pointe Coupee & Marie WAYBLE - of Maryland; Spons: Jean ORTOLAN & Ludivine ROY. Fr. Michel Bernard BARRIERE (Opel. Ch.: v.2, p.23).